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# CV/Résumé Boilerplate
This little project should ease the pain of building and maintaining a CV or résumé using LaTeX.
Since I find writing LaTeX code tedious and error-prone, I keep the actual content of the CV in a yaml file for easier editing and updating, while the layout lives in a separate TeX file. The amazing [pandoc]( takes then care of wrapping everything together and compiling the PDF through LaTeX.
This repository contains a modified version of Dario Taraborelli's [cvtex]( template. The original is targeted to academics and scientist, while this one should be flexible enough for everyone.
Below a preview of the final result. Check out the [output](output.pdf) to see the compiled PDF.
## Dependencies
1. LaTeX with the following extra packages: `fontspec` `geometry` `multicol` `xunicode` `xltxtra` `marginnote` `sectsty` `ulem` `hyperref`
2. pandoc
To install LaTeX on Mac OS X, I recommend getting the smaller version BasicTeX from [here]( and installing the additional packages with `tlmgr` afterwards. Same goes for Linux: install `texlive-base` with your package manager and add the needed additional packages later.
To install pandoc on Mac OS X, run `brew install pandoc`. To install it on Linux, refer to the [official docs](
## Getting started
Edit `content.yml` with your personal details, work experience, education, and desired settings. Run `make` to compile the PDF. Tweak on `template.tex` until you're satisfied with the result.
Refer to [pandoc's documentation]( to learn more about how templates work.
Note: this template needs to be compiled with XeTeX.
## Available settings
- **`mainfont`**: Hoefler Text is the default, but every font installed in your system should work.
- **`fontsize`**: Possible values here are 10pt, 11pt and 12pt.
- **`geometry`**: This string sets margins and other parameters. Check out [this page]( to learn how the `geometry` package works.
## Recommended reading
- [Why I do my résumé in LaTeX]( by Dan McGee
- [What are the benefits of writing resumes in TeX/LaTeX?]( on TeX Stack Exchange
- [Typesetting your academic CV in LaTeX]( by Dario Taraborelli
- [Résumé advices]( from Butterick's Practical Typography
## License
[CC BY-SA 3.0](