Better getting started instructions

zool 9 years ago
parent 1c80bb3d9a
commit 87427b8295

@ -59,9 +59,13 @@ To install pandoc on Mac OS X, run `brew install pandoc`. To install it on Linux
## Getting started
1. Edit `content.yml` with your personal details, work experience, education, and desired settings.
2. Run `make` to compile the PDF.
3. Tweak on `template.tex` until you're satisfied with the result.
1. Run this in your terminal to clone the repo, move into the right directory and delete all the git stuff:
git clone && cd cv-boilerplate && rm -rf .git
2. Open `content.yml` with your text editor and fill it with your personal details, work experience, education, and desired settings.
3. Run `make` to compile the PDF.
4. Tweak on `template.tex` until you're satisfied with the result.
Refer to [pandoc's documentation]( to learn more about how templates work.
