omit needless words

zool 9 years ago
parent 611bbea7fb
commit 74be250a8d

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ LaTeX takes then care of the typesetting with its usual elegance. Below a previe
With this method you can keep your entire CV encoded in a single yaml file, put it under version control (in a gist, for instance), and generate a PDF on the fly when needed. You can also easily convert it to other formats, like HTML for web publishing. Convenient, super portable and time-proof.
With this method you can keep your entire CV encoded in a single yaml file, put it under version control (in a gist, for instance), and generate a PDF on the fly when needed. You can also easily convert it to other formats, like HTML for web publishing. Convenient, portable and time-proof.
## Dependencies
